My family makes my world go 'round. Wow. What a year 2011 has been. Definitely a year of change - a new baby, a big move, and a new house. I have learned so much in the past year - I tolerate certain things more and tolerate other things less. Here are a few things I've learned this year that are becoming daily reminders: The post-partum hormones don't go away. My heart has gone completely soft these days. I remember sitting on the couch when Isaiah was 5 days old struggling with his first pediatrician's office to get an appointment, then having to sit on the phone with insurance to figure something else out. I was tired, emotional, and irritated and just started crying. I said to my mom, "When do these hormones go away?" Her response: "Never." And they don't. The littlest things make me cry. I cry tears of joy, sadness, and frustration depending on the day and sometimes all emotions at once. So now I've learned to judge the over emotional/f...