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Showing posts from May, 2013

Seasoned With Salt

Salt. It tastes good. It usually makes things taste better. If your soup doesn't have much flavor? Add a little salt. Right? I was recently told by another woman, "That's what stay-at-home moms do all day!" It was kind of a joke but also clearly insinuating that if I "stay home" every single day, clearly I have time to clean my base boards with a q-tip. Irritating, isn't it? Especially since I know very few stay at home moms that actually STAY AT HOME. I've even had a neighbor ask what I do for a living because we're always out and about. Anyway, instead of embarking on a debate or getting defensive I simple gave it HA! Ain't nobody got time for that! remark. What I really thought was, seriously? Is this where WE are still? After all the positive publicity stay at home and working mothers have been getting, why is it necessary to belittle the other? Even if it's a joke. We are all emotional, sleep deprived, worn out moms. Let's s...