While chatting with a friend the other day, she said, "So it looks like you've had a busy week." I was a little confused considering I felt the previous week was pretty relaxed. She was making this assumption based on pictures I had posted on social media. Her: "Oh, is that a normal week for you?" Me: "Yeah, I guess so." And, honestly, that's the truth. That is our normal pace. We go places and we do things. And I like to share it mostly because I love when other people share their happy moments, whether it's at the aquarium or at the kitchen table. While I do think experiencing new things is great for our kids, I don't take our kids places because I feel like I have to, nor is it simply because I want to. It's because that is where I am a better, more present mom. When we're out exploring and visiting new places I am constantly engaged and living in the moment with my kids. When I'm home, I am way...