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24 Elf on the Shelf Ideas

A year ago I did not want to get an elf. Mr. Claus took it upon himself to send an elf to our front door last Christmas, if you get what I'm saying. I thought I would hate it. I don't. I think it is a lot of fun and much less "work" than I thought it'd be. The kids are obsessed with our elf, Snowy. One child even cried when she left last year (and then again in June when she missed her).

Anyway, I thought it'd be such a hassle but then again, our kids are growing so fast. This kind of magic and whimsy doesn't last forever so Snowy is now a welcome member of our household.

Here are a few things our elf has been up to...

Campfire and s'mores. This was one of the kids favorites.

A message in sprinkles. (Dust buster and then a clorox wipe to clean up. Not too bad.)

Spidey Snowy.

Gone gold fishin'.

Message on a mirror. 

Zip-lining with a candy cane.

A good-bye letter on Christmas Eve.

Sometimes she just hides in the tree.

Holding hand sanitizer. Everyone was sick that week.

Minion bananas. Classic.

Filled up the advent calendar with chocolates. She ate a few too.

Just hanging out.

Welcome back letter.

Cotton ball bath in a bowl

Stuck in a "jar"

Playing with toys

Playing a board game with a Barbie Doll
Bring home a ginger bread house

TP the house (on a weekend so the kids can clean it up)

Stuck in a balloon.
Hanging out in the refrigerator.
Covered in bandaids. Rough landing.

Here's a few other things Snowy might do:

Kids underwear on the tree
Tea Party with stuffed animals
Shaving cream message on the mirror

Or, because life gets busy and sometimes the elf needs a sick day, just let the elf hop from place to place.

Keep the magic alive. Happy elfing.


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